U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers joined for the inaugural
edition in 2010 of Best Law Firms. Based upon thousands of surveys
to clients and lawyers, Law Offices of Bruce R. Greene & Associates
ranked Tier One Nationally and Tier One in the State of Colorado in the
practice area of Native American Law. Once again, in 2011, 2012, 2013,
and 2014, Best Lawyers ranked Law Offices of Bruce R. Greene
& Associates, LLC as Tier One Nationally and Tier One in the State of
Colorado in the practice of Native American Law
Law Office of Bruce R. Greene & Associates, LLC, is a Boulder,
Colorado based law firm specializing in all aspects of FederalIndian
law and the representation of Native American Indian tribes.
Mr. Greene has devoted his professional career to this specialized
area of the law, beginning in 1971, when he was one of the
founding attorneys of the Native American Rights Fund. He
opened his private practice in Boulder in 1977. His firm grew
in size under the name Greene, Meyer & McElroy, PC. On
December 31, 2008, Mr. Greene resigned from the firm he founded
and opened his present office under the name Law Offices of
Bruce R. Greene & Associates, LLC.
Mr. Greene has substantial expertise in Federal Indian Law, offering to Indian tribes
throughout the country seasoned federal court litigation experience at the district and
appellate court levels and the U.S. Supreme Court. He has expertise in a variety of
areas particularly affecting tribes, including all aspects of Indian gaming; natural
resources protection and conservation; assertion and protection of treaty rights,
including the right to hunt, fish, trap and gather; tribal economic development; federal
project licensing; and tribal/state taxation issues. His experience, interests, and
familiarity with the issues affecting Native American Indian tribes combine to create an
excellent and venerable resource, uniquely qualified to meet tribal needs.
1500 Tamarack Ave.
Boulder, CO 80304
Phone: (303) 284-8654
Fax: (303) 284-8578
Mobile: (303) 249-5848
Email: bgreene@greenelawyer.com
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